Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Algorithm And Its Components

Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Algorithm And Its Components

Human beings have a marvellous  tendency to duplicate or replicate  nature. For example:- We saw birds flying in the sky , and we wanted to have flying objects that we create on our own  like  Airplanes, which were first such objects which was created  that could fly, were the result of that observation and the willingness to replicate what we saw and found worthwhile . Nature is  the centermost part  of every such  innovative  innovation. 

But science has tried to replicate the human brain. Many professionals and researchers  have  gone into grasp  how the human brain works  and how it holds everything easily without mess ,  also interprets and manages a wide range of information . 

Then the idea  of artificial neural networks brings out   innovation from and is the appropriate representation of the biological neural networks of  the human  brain. As we know this very well that machines replicate the working of a brain –  not every function  but at least of a few functions. Artificial intelligence   has given us machines that communicate with us,play games better than us, and can classify objects ,not in every function but in some they work better than humans .

 What is a neural network?

Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Algorithm And Its Components

A neural network is created  when a collection of nodes or neurons are interlinked through synaptic connections.Artificial neural networks are estimating models that work similar to the functions  of a human nervous system.

There are three layers in every artificial neural network – input layer, hidden layer, and output layer. The input layer that is formed from a collection of several nodes that receives inputs,a hidden layer is placed between the input  and output of the 


method, in which the function puts  weights to the inputs and channels   them through an activation function as the output. The output layer gives the final outputs.

Look how a normal neural network works:-

Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Algorithm And Its Components

About Perceptron

A perceptron, a neuron’s computational model , is graded  as the simplest form of a neural network. Frank Rosenblatt invented the perceptron at the Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory in 1957.

Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Algorithm And Its Components

The theory  of perceptron has an analytical role in machine learning. It is used as an algorithm or a linear classifier to ease  supervised learning for binary classification. A supervised learning algorithm always consists of an input and a correct/direct output. The aim  of this learning problem is to use data with right  labels for making  more accurate predictions on future data and then helps  for training a model. Some of the common problems of supervised learning built on the top of classification to predict class labels.


So , in simple terms ,‘PERCEPTRON” so in the  machine learning , the perceptron is a  term or we can say, an algorithm for supervised learning intended to perform binary classification Perceptron is a single layer neural network and a multi-layer perceptron is called Neural Networks.Perceptron is a linear classifier (binary) as discussed above . Also, it is used in supervised learning. It helps to classify the given input data given



It is one of the most frequently used problems in machine learning.  In  simplest form the user tries to classify a unit into 1 of the 2 possible categories. For example,  take the attributes of the fruits like color, peel texture, shape  etc.


A linear classifier that the perceptron is classified  as is a classification algorithm, which depends  on a linear predictor function to make  the predictions and  predictions are based on the union that includes weights and feature vector. The linear classifier recommends 2  categories for the classification of training data( means we can say entire training data will fall under these two given  categories)

As discussed above , the perceptron is a linear classifier — an algorithm that classifies the  input by dividing the  2  categories with a straight line.  Here , Input  is basically  a feature vector x multiplied by w( i.e weights)  and added to a b (bias)

y = w * x + b

In some framework and machine learning related problems, the perceptron learning algorithm can be found out. It could show limitations that you knew never existed. At one point, the perceptron networks were also found to be not competent  enough to carry through  some of the  basic functions. However, this problem was share-out with as soon as multi-layer perceptron networks and ameliorate  learning rules came into the concept.


So Perceptron today has become a major learning algorithm  as in the world of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning . It examines  a   very reliable and fast solution for the classification of  all the problems it has the potential of solving. Also we can say ,  if you develop a grip on the working of perceptrons ,.you will then find out the easier way in understanding more complex networks fast.

What are the main components of a perceptron?


  1. Input value : In the perceptron algorithm, features are taken as InputsInputs are denoted as x1, x2, ……. xn  ,‘n’ the total instances of these features. Weights: Values that are  calculated during the training of the model. With  every error i.e training error , the values of weights are updated. Weights are denoted as w1, w2, ……wn. 

  2. Bias: It allows the classifier to move the decision dividing line around from its initial position  in the direction (right, left, up, or down). The purpose of the bias is to shift each point in a specific direction for a specified distance. Bias allows for the  higher quality and training of the  model is faster .

  3. Activation/step function:  Activation or step functions are used to generate non-linear neural networks. 

  4. Weighted summation: The multiplication of every feature or input value (xn) associated with related values of weights  (wn) gives us a sum of values that is known as  weighted summation. Weighted summation is denoted as ∑wixi (i -> [1 to n])

Perceptrons put together  a single O/P  based on various  real-valued Inputs by set  up a linear combination using Inputs weights that are given  In mathematical  terms:

Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Algorithm And Its Components


w  represent the vector of weights

x is the vector of Inputs

b is called  bias 

φ is the non-linear activation function which sometimes used 

Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Algorithm And Its Components

As you can see in the given  picture , it has multiple  layers.

The perceptron  mainly consists of four  parts, they are:-

  1. Input values or One input layer

  2. Weights and Bias

  3. Net sum

  4. Activation Function

Neural Networks work the similar  method  as the perceptron. So, if you want to know how neural networks work , firstly we learn about how perceptron work?

Look at the below diagram to understand the working of perceptron :-

Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Algorithm And Its Components

Understand the working of perceptron with the help of diagram:-

The perceptron works on these simple steps:-

1. All the inputs values  x are multiplied with their  respective weights w. Let’s call it k.

Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Algorithm And Its Components

2. Add all the multiplied values and call them Weighted Sum.

Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Algorithm And Its Components

3.Apply that weighted sum to the correct Activation Function.

For Ex : Unit Step Activation Function.

Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Algorithm And Its Components

Use of Weights and Bias?

Weights  indicate   the strength of the particular node as already explained above .


A bias value permits  you to shift the activation function curve up or down.

Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Algorithm And Its Components

Why do we need Activation Function?

In short, the activation functions are used to map the input between the required values like (0, 1) or (-1, 1).

Fast forward to 1986, when Hinton, Rumelhart, and Williams published a paper “Learning representations by back-propagating errors”, found backpropagation and hidden layers concepts — then Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs) came into existence :

  1. Backpropagation, a method  to repeatedly modify the weights so as to decrease the difference between actual O/P and desired O/P

  2. Hidden Layers which are neuron nodes put together  in between Inputs and outputs, allowing neural networks to learn more complex features .

An MLP  therefore, known  as a deep artificial neural network. It is a  collection of more than one perceptron. They are composed of an input layer to receive the signal, an output layer that makes a choice or prediction about the input, and in between, an random no. of hidden layers (True computational engine of the MLP)


Multilayer perceptrons train on a set of pairs of I/O and learn to model the connection between those inputs and outputs. Training requires adjusting the framework , or the weights and biases, in order to decrease the error. Backpropagation is used to make those given  weight and bias adaptation relative to the error, and the error itself can be used to  measure  in a variety of ways , including by root mean squared error.

Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Algorithm And Its Components
  • In the above diagram , the forward pass, the signal flow movement  is  from the  input layer through the hidden layers  and then to the output layer, and the conclusion of the output layer is measured against the truth labels.

  • And in the backward pass, by  using backpropagation and the chain rule of calculus, biased derivatives of the error function concerning the dissimilar  weights and biases are back-propagated through the Multilayer perceptron. 

In this   network game  of ping -pong  keep  going on until the error can go to a lower stage . This state is known as convergence.


I hope this blog  gave you a meaningful and clear understanding of these commonly used terms and their use/roles in a better understanding of  neutral networks  ,Perceptron and terms related to machine learning .

Article By : Shivangi Pandey

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