Representational State Transfer (REST)

REST(Representational state transfer ) is an architectural style that follows a set of rules or standards used when creating an API that communicates with different systems. These standards make computer systems on the web, simple to communicate with each other. It plays a vital role in client-server communication. When a client requests a certain data, the REST creates an object, and the values of this object are then pass to the user.

Let us consider that you are using an app to book a movie when you type the name of the movie, a list of cinema halls appear, the working of REST is somewhat similar. The set of rules used when creating an API has such rules that help us to get specific data when we use a specific URL. Communication or interaction in REST-based systems is done using HTTP ( Hypertext Transfer Protocol). 

architectural constraints in REST:

  • Uniform Interface 
  • Stateless
  • Cacheable
  • Client-Server
  • Layered System 
  • Code on Demand 

Uniform Interface –

This constraint helps us to differ between a RESTful API and A nonRESTful API. This implies that the interface needs to be generalized, that is there should be a uniform way of communication taking place irrespective of layers. It ensures similar protocols, representations, methods, etc…

It is further categorize into four guiding principles – 

  1. Identification of resources – Individual resources are define or identify upon.
  2. Manipulation of Resources – through representations-If permission is grant by and a client can customize, modify, or delete the resources on the server.
  3. Self-descriptive messages – There is descriptive information regarding how to process a message, making its analysis simple. 
  4. Hypermedia as the engine of application state (HATEOAS)-It needs to involve links for each response facilitating other resources to the client easily.


The server shall not store any state of the application, which means that the client has the responsibility of managing the state of the application. All the necessary information, headers, URLs, request are sent by the client. 


Since the same server is access many times by clients, so it is necessary that each and every response is cache. The server load reduces and also unnecessary processing can be avoided. The client returns data from its cache to any request, thus there is no need for requesting data from the server again and again.

Client-Server –

A RESTful API follows the client-server architecture. A Client request resources and is never concerned with data storage whereas the servers are the ones who hold resources. The servers do not care about the user interface or user state. Both the server as well as the client are independent of each other. 

Layered System –

This provides layers of services between the server and the client, where each layer does not have any information regarding the others except their immediate layers. It helps to balance the load and helps in caching too. Layering also helps in imposing security policies. The client does not provide any information on whether it is connected directly to the end server or any other intermediary servers. 

Code on demand-

This is an optional constraint that helps additional cojoining between a client and a server. This allowsto be extensible as the server facilitates additional code to the client running code from their side. This allows some client-side services to take place in providing efficiency. 

If any of the above constraint is not follow the API can be consider to as a non-RESTful API.  however, The REST API constitutes many advantages becoming a popular choice. Let us look into some of its advantages. 


  • Scalability- The first reason is it offers great scalability. This attribute makes the protocol stand out from others. This is due to server and client separation. The product is scaled without much difficulty with the help of professional developers as they need not work from scratch instead they need to just add some functionalities. 
  • Flexibility and Portability – The transfer of data from one server to another is easy. Also as sever and the client is independent of each other the management becomes very easy. 
  • Independence- Development is easy here as numerous environments are provided, thanks to independent clients and servers. 

Along with all these advantages, the REST ensures that it can be adapted very easily. The management of resources also becomes easy and thus REST is becoming one of the easiest APIs to use.

Written by: Anusha Shetty 

Reviewed by:  Batta Pruthvi

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