Sensors Used In IOT


In this world full of technology, Sensors are being used everywhere. They are in use at our homes, offices, educational institutions, and hospitals as well. They are widely in use in mobile phones and are also an integral part of the Internet of Things (IoT). 

Sensors are not new in this technological market. A large number of Industries and Organizations have in use at different types of Sensors for a long time. but using these sensors are in use in IoT or the Internet of Things has taken the growth of sensors to a different level.


IoT sensors are devices that capture real-time data and then translate this data into a piece of information that can be easily interpreted by other devices. Sensors react to any change whether that change is in sound, temperature, electric current, pressure, or humidity and they also come in different shapes and sizes.

Sensors also sense the objects and can calculate the distance between them. 

For each of the purposes given above, there are sensors available in the market. In this article, we will discuss various sensors and their applications that can be used in your IoT projects.

TYPES OF Sensors Used In IOT:

IoT sensors have become quite important as they are very helpful in improving operational efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing working safety. There is a large number of sensor modifications. Now we will take a close look at the most common ones, as well as their applications:-

1. Temperature Sensor

Temperature Sensor is a device that senses and measures the amount of heat energy by detecting a physical change in temperature from a source and then converts it into an electrical signal or in a data form for the device connects to the sensor. They are quite efficient, easy to install, and reliable that responds to human activity. 

Initially, temperature sensors mostly in use in Air Conditioners, Refrigerators, and similar devices for environmental control, but with the help of the IoT industry. though these sensors now are in agricultural, manufacturing, and health industries as well.

In the agricultural industry, these sensors are useful so that they can detect the temperature of the soil which is very crucial in the production of the crops. In the manufacturing process, there are a large number of machines that work at a specific temperature. Hence temperature sensors are useful here also to ensure the optimal usage of machinery in the manufacturing process.

Some sub-categories of Temperature Sensors are:-
  •  Thermocouples
  • Resistor temperature detector(RTD) 
  • Thermistors
  • IC(semiconductor)
  • Infrared Sensors

LM35 and DHT 11 are widely used basic, low-cost, temperature sensors. DHT11 can be use as a Humidity Sensor as well, where it can also measure the amount of water vapour present in the atmosphere.

2. Pressure Sensors

Pressure Sensors are use to sense the pressure applied and then to convert it into an electric signal. It can also sense changes in gases and liquid. Once there is a change in pressure, the sensor detects these changes and then shares the data with the connected systems.

Pressure Sensors are of high importance and are use in weather forecasting. They are also use to check any water leaks and are also use as barometric pressure sensors in smartphones as well. With the help of these sensors, IoT systems can be build which monitors pressure driven devices.

These sensors are useful in manufacturing as well and also in the maintenance of water systems since these sensors easily detect any fluctuations or drops in pressure

3. Proximity Sensor

Proximity sensors are use to detect the presence or absence of nearby objects or the properties of that object without any physical contact with the sensor.
The proximity sensor emits an electromagnetic field or radiation beams such as infrared and then tries to detect any return or reflected signal. so, This reflected signal is easily read by any electronic device connects with the sensor.

however, There are a large number of applications of Proximity sensors out of which the most common application of this sensor is use in cars. thus, On reversing the car, the sensor detects any obstacle and alarms  on the presence of any obstacle.

Various types of proximity sensors include:-
  •  Inductive sensors
  • Capacitive Sensors
  • Photoelectric Sensors 
  • Ultrasonic sensors

Si114x and Si1102 are some examples of Proximity sensors use in IoT.

4. Gas Sensors

A gas sensor or a gas detector is a device which is use to detect any change in the air quality. It can also detect the presence of toxic, combustible, hazardous ,combustible or flammable gases. There are a large number of industries such as mining, oil and gas and manufacturing which uses gas sensors.

Gas detectors are most useful in safety systems because when they detect a gas leak in an area,the sensor immediately sends a signal to the microcontroller which on receiving the signal shuts the whole system down.Gas detectors are important because there are some gases like carbon monoxide which is very dangerous,but is odourless and colourless as well making it hard for humans to detect can be easily detected by these gas detector.

Some of the common gas sensors/detectors are:
  • Carbon Dioxide sensor
  • Hydrogen Sensor
  • Air pollution Sensor
  • Oxygen Sensor
  • Carbon Monoxide Detector
  • Ozone Monitor
  • Nitrogen Oxide Sensor

5. Smoke Sensors

A smoke sensor is a device that detects smoke which includes airborne particulates and gases and the level of the smoke.Smoke sensors are the most used sensors and under IoT they have become more effective.

Smoke sensors are used mainly in manufacturing industries to detect fire and gas incidents. These sensors protect people working in environments where usage of gas is very common.

There are mainly two types of smoke sensors:-
  • Optical Smoke Sensor
  • Ionization Smoke Sensor

Optical Smoke Sensor is also refer as Photoelectric Smoke Alarms.

6. Infrared Sensors

An Infrared sensor senses the characteristics present in their surroundings by either emitting infrared radiations or by detecting infrared radiations. Infrared Sensors can also measure any heat emitted by an object.

Infrared sensors have a variety of use in IoT projects.It can easily monitor the blood flow and blood pressure.Infrared Sensors are also used in Television remotes.Since Infrared sensors can detect heat signatures of an object easily,due to this capability of infrared sensors they are very useful in ensuring high-level security at homes.

 Two types of Infrared Sensors are:-
  • Active Infrared Sensors
  • Passive Infrared Sensors

7. Motion detection sensors

A motion detection sensor is an electronic device which is used to detect any physical movement in an area and then it transforms the detection of motion sensors into electrical signals. 

There are a large number of industries where motion detectors are used.However,the most important use of motion detectors is in the security industry where this sensor is used as an intrusion detection system.This sensor is also used as Automatic Door Control,Parking systems,Hand Dryers etc.

Some of the Motion Sensor Widely used in the field of IoT are:
  • Passive Infrared
  • Ultrasonic
  • Microwave

8. Optical Sensors

Optical Sensor is a sensor which measures the physical quantity of the light rays and then converts them into electrical signal.Optical Sensors are also used to sense electromagnetic energy as well.

There are a large number of applications of Optical Sensors.It is used in Xerox machines and in computers also.Optical Sensors are also used in heart rate monitors.

Optical Sensors are also used to detect the presence of any object.They easily recognize signs and obstacles.It also helps in keeping track of Environmental changes as well and are also used in Optical Fibre Communication. 

Some of the Optical Sensors used in IoT are:
  • Photodetector
  • Fiber Optics
  • Pyrometer
  • Proximity & Infrared

By combining the sensors with IoT, however it has opened a new door full of possibilities. IoT has again and again proved that it is the future since it is very useful in every field. IoT allows us to collect, analyze, measure and maintain data which makes the it very smart and it will definitely continue to amaze us in the near future.

written by: Utkarsh Pathak

reviewed by: Vishal Rathod

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