a technique used to represent data in an organized manner.
Using data structure one can retrieve and process data easily.
Mainly data structures are divided into two broad categories called primitive (build-in data structures) and non-primitive data structures (user-defined data structures).
Later non-primitive data structures are divided as shown in the below chart.
Let’s discuss them one by one.
- Primitive data structures are built-in for a programming language.
- Primitive data types always have value.
- They start from lowercase letters.
1.1 INTEGER: integer stores 4 bytes of memory.
int a=10;
Where a is an integer type.
1.2 FLOAT: float variable also stores 4 bytes in memory.
int b=1.5;
Where b is the name of a variable that stores decimal digits.
1.3 CHAR: character stores 2 bytes of memory.
Char c=’A’;
it stores character value in it.
1.4 BOOLEAN: it occupies 1 bit of memory.
boolean value=true;
It stores true or false value.
1.5 STRING :
String data type stores sequence of character.
String s = “hello”;
- Non-primitive data types are not built-in. Users define the data structure.
- They start from uppercase letters.
- Its value can be null.
data stored next to each other.
2.1.1 STATIC:
memory is fixed while writing a code. ARRAYS:
Data Structure which stores the same data type value is called an array.
No. of elements/size of array = n.
indexing = 0 to n-1;
Array data structures are of two types: 1D and 2D.
Syntax of 1D array in java :
int[] arr=new int[sizeOfArray]; //1D array of integer type.
E.g. – int [] arr=new int[5];
Indexing starts from 0 to 4.
Size of array = 5;
Array arr stores integer type of value in it.
Index : 0 1 2 3 4
3 | 40 | 42 | 9 | 22 |
Syntax of 2D array in java :
int[][] arr2=new int[row][col]; //2D array of integer type.
All elements of an array share the same variable name but different index values.
E.g – int[][] arr2=new int[2][2];
Col 1 = 0 col 2= 1 col 3= 2
row=1 43 | 5 | 32 |
row=2 51 | 41 | 3 |
row=3 4 | 6 | 18 |
An array is static which means the size cannot be increased and decreased during runtime.
Disadvantage of arrays:
the size of the array is fixed.
2.1.2 DYNAMIC:
memory allocation occurs at the time of runtime. LINKED LIST:
- it’s smallest unit is a node.
- A linked list is a collection of nodes.
- Each node connects to the other and forms a chain.
- Each node has data and a pointer that stores the address of the next node.
Syntax of linked list :
LinkedList<Integer> list = new LinkedList<>();
Diagramatic representation of a node :
Data value | pointer |
Disadvantages of linked list :
- A reverse linked list is really difficult.
- If we want to access an element at index n, then we need to traverse all the elements in a linked list.
- Memory usage is more as compared to an array as it needs pointer memory as well. STACK :
- Stack data structure is similar to a stack of plates.
- It follows the LIFO principle which means the last element added in the stack will be first to remove.
Diagramatic representation of stack :
Fig 2: stack diagrammatic representation.
Functions of stack :
1) push() : use to add elements from stack.
2) pop() : this function is used to remove elements from the stack.
3) isEmpty() : function return true if stack is empty else it will return false. QUEUE:
This data structure is like a real queue in front of the billing counter. A queue is based on the FIFO principle. The first entered element will operate first.
Diagrammatic Representation Of Queue
Functions of queue :
1) enque() : use to add elements from queue.
2) dequeue() : this function is used to remove elements from the queue.
3) isEmpty() : function return true if queue is empty else false.
data can be separated by each other in memory space.
2.2.1 TREE:
- Data structures each node is associated with more than one node.
- Tree data structures follow hierarchical patterns.
Diagram of the tree :
- Where a node with no child is called a leaf node.
- Where a node with a child is called a parent node.
- Two nodes share the same parent and have the same level and are known as siblings of each other.
- There are different types of data structures of a tree – binary tree, binary search tree, AVL tree, B tree, B+ tree.
2.2.2 GRAPH:
the graph data structure is non-linear consist of vertex and edges.
Diagram of the graph :
Where 0,1,2,3,4 are vertices of the graph.(0,1) , (0,4) , (1,3) , (1,2) , (1,4) , (3,1) , (3,4) , (3,2) , (2,1) , (2,3) are edges in the shown graph.Graphs are of two types: unidirectional edge and directional edge.
The size of the array is fixed; we cannot change its size during run time.
This disadvantage of java is overcome by a linked list but LinkedList requires more space than an array as it has one additional memory space for pointers.
for non-sequential data structure then graphs and trees are best.
written by: Yatika Yadav
reviewed by: Soutik Maity
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