IoT In Agriculture

IoT in agriculture is a broad term that collects food and helps in maintaining a particular area. however, with the help of the Internet of Things, and Big data analytics is for examining big data for information. The most common IoT applications are: 

  1. Systems that are thus sensor-depending for using monitoring crops, fields.
  2. Smart agriculture like vehicles, drones, autonomous robots, and also actuators.
  3. Data analytics, visualization, and management systems.

The data analytics by sensor produces transparency into agricultural processes, as we get the insights into their fields, greenhouses, etc.


Benefits of Using IoT in Agriculture

There are lots of benefits of using IoT systems like efficiency is increased, automation and process can be data-driven.  So the list is as follows:-

  1. Excelled efficiency.  IoT agriculture to Farmers is a great way to increase the efficiency to grow more product in deteriorating soil, declining land availability, and increasing weather fluctuation. so, IoT Agriculture system allows farmers to monitor the conditions of their products very quickly. The information can be fast transmit by.
  2. Reduced resources. There is much origination that is focusing on agriculture IoT. Solutions focuses on optimizing the use of resources such as water, energy. By the use of IoT, the data collected from the device sensors in the field helps farmers accurately.
  3. Agility. IoT in agriculture is the main reason that we can increase the agility of the processes. It can be complete with the help of real-time monitoring systems and by that, we can predict the condition of the product quickly, and also farmers can quickly respond to any significant change in weather, humidity, air quality so that it won’t affect the health of the product soil in the field.
  1. Improved product quality. Agriculture that is guide by data help in grows better products. Using soil sensors, and drone monitoring, and farm mapping, it is easier to understand detail conditions and the quality of the crops. Using IoT systems, they can create the best conditions for the product they want to grow.

Products in Agriculture

Agricultural Drones

Agricultural drones are one of the major benefits of IoT agriculture. In agriculture, Drones are in use to enhance agricultural practices. They are in use in a way to maintain crop health assessment, irrigation, crop monitoring, crop spraying, planting, and soil and field analysis.

The major benefit of using drones includes crop health imaging, integrated GIS mapping. And all that in real-time so it saves a lot of time, and by that, it’s a lot easier to increase the area within less time.

There is an organization that uses drones for gathering valuable data from sensors that are used for imaging, surveying agricultural land, etc.

Challenges | IoT in Agriculture

IoT agriculture system could be the best thing for the industry. But integrating technology into the agricultural system has its problems. 

1. Connectivity: You have to provide connectivity throughout the IoT Agricultural system, barns, greenhouses, etc. If the farmers adopt the IoT Agriculture system they won’t be able to make full use of IoT technology due to poor communication. Farms are located in rural areas. So they are far from access to the internet and that makes it less stable. 


This is a diagram showing the connectivity done in the IoT Agriculture and the name of the diagram is LoRaWAN schema.

2. High Cost: IoT Agriculture Equipments are expensive. And if talk about sensors is not a very expensive component, but Automated machinery cost more than manually operated machinery as they include cloud access to record data, etc. For the benefits of profits, farmers must use these technologies however it would be difficult for them to set up the initial investment for the farms. 

Written by: Yogendra Singh Rawat
Reviewed by: Batta Pruthvi

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